This video is so well done it upset me lol. It's very clear and concise and boils down some complex topics into easily digestible information. The problem is that it is so good it makes me feel insecure. I like to think I'm a pretty smart guy when it comes to an average person, or at least whatever I believe to be an average person, and then I watch something like this and feel totally out of my depth.
It's not just that you're skilled with math, to the point where what you're showing really strained my brain to keep up. It is that you know when and where to use it. The fact that you knew what kind of formula to choose to get what you wanted. It's even more than that though. There's a resourcefulness to it all. The fact that you wanted to examine this in a way that clearly showed your audience the point you were trying to get across, which was that these games don't make you money, meant that you had to find something definitive. How to do it? Show the raw value per play. Then you managed to get from point A of what you wanted to achieve and show to point B of successfully showing it, which took a lot of mental leg work.
You had to know people post the code for these games, find it, know how to read it, and know how to manipulate it. Then you had to be skilled enough with the math to evaluate the data the way you needed. It's not just a raw knowledge thing. There's a practicality and an application to it. There's a lot of people that might know the "how" to things without also knowing the "when", "where", and "why" of those topics.
Adding on to those skills, you're a talented storyteller. You took the time to organize the video's thoughts. You introduced it with this documentary like flair setting up the culture of this game. It had me hooked and as I've described I'm not comfortable with this level of math and don't know the first thing about code, yet I couldn't stop watching. I'm still fairly young, but watching something this good makes me feel like I've wasted too much time and/or potential. All of this is a weird pity-party way of saying you got a great head on your shoulders, skills-wise. If you're ever feeling in doubt about yourself, I couldn't begin to code, or calculate proper statistics, or craft a video as well as you've just done. Good luck with your channel.