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by (120 points)
What is the protocol for gambling companies when a customer shows signs of a gambling problem?

1 Answer

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by (380 points)
When a customer indicates they might have a gambling problem, staff are required to go through a series of questions with them. However, the process is often just a formality, with staff simply ticking off boxes without genuinely addressing the issue. The industry's focus is on revenue, not on effectively helping those with gambling addictions.
by (100 points)
im 32 been addicted for a couple of years now.. i had some great luck when i started it out. Im out of work and been poor my entire life so just starting out and actually have the feeling off wining money got out of hand pretty quick aint gonna lie.. The people working behind all this when you talk to customer service etc they are always total complete douchebags. they enjoy every moment you fail and they get money from you..
by (100 points)
My father literally sold everything until we became homeless and had to live with relatives.
by (100 points)
I worked at a retail bank for a while and could see transactions of any customer I wanted. I had one customer come in for just normal banking business. I generally gloss over the statements just to see if there's anything I can do to help. I saw her transactions as $-100 like 3-4 times per day at the casino and a $-5 atm fee to boot. And the account just dwindling down over time to nothing.
by (100 points)
I actually have withdrawal when I stop gambling. My legs and eyes be twitching. It's like im on drugs. I blame my mother for getting me into gambling at 18 years old. She neglected me and sibling to go gambling. She spend most of the money on gambling rather than buying us clothes for school. I wish I was smart enough to realize gambling was the enemy since child hood.
by (100 points)
I'm nearly 1 year free of my online slots gambling addiction. Everything this person says is correct. EVERYTHING is designed to suck you in. The worst thing you can do when thinking of getting into gambling, is win. You WILL eventually lose. I was lucky I didn't lose everything but I know others that have. It destroys your conscience and you genuinely have no control. I never believed something like that would take over me, but it so easily does. If you're thinking of trying it, DON'T. If you're in the terrible cycle of; win = happy, then lose it all, take out a loan, keep it a secret, have depression & anxiety, then please get out now and GET HELP. I did it and you can too. It's not worth it at all.
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