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by (120 points)
Why do gambling experts say that customers can't win against gambling companies in the long run?

1 Answer

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by (380 points)
Gambling companies use algorithms and strategies designed to ensure that they always come out on top. They categorize customers and manipulate betting conditions to maximize losses for those who are losing, while restricting or limiting winners. This systemic approach means that in the long run, the odds are heavily stacked against the customer, making it nearly impossible to win consistently.
by (100 points)
People need to understand that you should expect to lose when you go to a casino. Just be responsible by having a dedicated loss budget and stick to it.
by (100 points)
All gambling advertising only shows super happy winning customers, when in reality most people lose most of the time.  If you figure out how to make money gambling, often you'll be booted out and banned.  The guy is right that the industry only wants losers
The only winning move is not to play.
by (100 points)
I'm a professional Gambler. I travelled a lot, countries that allows gambling casinos. Casinos often named players as VIP or SMARTGUY/TROUBLE. I do not agree about scams from Casinos at least I never encounter any. If you don't believe, there is something called house advantages. But I don't find that scamming. People can only win Casinos by FLAT BET. Meaning bet whatever the amount each time. Do not decreased or increased. Just let the flow goes and stay control. Good Luck Everyone!
by (100 points)
"House always wins" isn't a saying for no reason.
by (100 points)
Spent months analysing sports betting to come up with a winning strategy. Once figured out, I started betting and made profit consistently. Then, out of the blue, I was getting blocked by the gambling companies. One by one.

For the time that I was able to execute my strategy I made practically nothing compared to the time I had invested in it.

If you think you have a winning strategy and you’re not getting blocked, then you don’t have a winning strategy, you’ve at best been lucky.
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