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by (120 points)
Why do gambling experts say that customers can't win against gambling companies in the long run?

1 Answer

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by (380 points)
Gambling companies use algorithms and strategies designed to ensure that they always come out on top. They categorize customers and manipulate betting conditions to maximize losses for those who are losing, while restricting or limiting winners. This systemic approach means that in the long run, the odds are heavily stacked against the customer, making it nearly impossible to win consistently.
by (100 points)
Never gambled and I feel like a winner now, but not for the poor people who have lost literally everything in these scams. It's truly frightening.
by (100 points)
my mum taught me that 'gambling' should be called 'giving' or 'donating', unless you own the casino.
by (100 points)
My mother worked in a casino for 41 years. 1981-2020. She has definitely seen it all. You name It, she saw it and she never ever once even played 5 bucks on a slot machine. 41 years of stories in those casinos and how they operate. Everything this guy is saying is absolutely true. They are built to take your money.  Period. The one good thing about growing up around casinos is I also have seen a lot and I also know how they operate. I never got into gambling. But I did try it one time. I remember one time I played a craps game with 300 bucks and walked out with 5k..! I remember the feeling I got. I felt on top of the world and I remember that whole week I couldn’t wait to go back and try it again . The next pay period I tried it again and I ended up losing my entire paycheck. I remember that was my car payment I lost too and man it was a shitty feeling..! That was over 15 years ago and since then I leaned my lesson. I’ve NEVER gambled again since and never will. But that addicting feeling I got I’ll never forget and I understand how that happens. My advice, stay away from the casinos. They’re built to take your money. Even the whole structure on how they’re constructed is designed to get you hooked. These days I’ll go to the restaurants and the live shows but I’ve never gambled since and never will
by (100 points)
The very first time I ever stepped foot in a casino I spent $20 and left 8 hrs later with $1500 from the craps tables. And just like that, I became a gambling addict! I went back everyday, sometimes not even going home, just playing all day and all night and into the next day.
I finally stopped when I found myself on the roof looking down at the cars and street below about to jump. If I wasn't such a puss I would've gone through with it.
Almost ten years later I'm still buried in debt from those few months back in 2013
by (100 points)
Years ago I had a job writing software for gambling machines that go in casinos. People would always ask me if there was a trick to win on them and I'd always say yes, definitely there is...own them. The only way to win is to be the house.
by (100 points)
Someone close to me used to be a gambling addict.  Always spent tons of money at casinos on slot machines, even rent and car payments.  It took me a long time to convince that person that there was no way they'd ever come out on top.  One of the things I said that stuck with her was this:

You see how huge and extravagent these casinos are?  How they offer free luxury suites and food to high bidders, etc.?

You think they would be able to do that if they allowed people to win all the time?   The house ALWAYS wins in the end and there is no way to change that.   By gambling, you are paying for someone elses ferrari and someone elses louis vuitton purse.  You are just giving your money away to people who don't deserve it.
by (100 points)
The truly upsetting thing about this video is that people will watch it and still go out there and try. Because that's how addiction works, and these companies are welllllll aware of that.
by (100 points)
Speaking as a life testimony. Been gambling for over 6 years now. And the dreams I had when I began. Not even one bit close. On the contrary Ive lost everything. I'm basically at ground level. The issue with gambling is both winners and losers turn out to lose. As a winner you never want to quite. And to be frank that's worst. Because it will cause you to believe more and engage deeper. And you can't win all the time. Matter of facts, statistics have proven no body wins upto 20% the time with Gambling. Please stop if you ever considered getting into it. Even as a hobby, I disagree. Habits cultivate from one move
by (100 points)
A dealer taught me Blackjack years ago when the Stratosphere was new. The one thing he told me was "They don't build these on winners". Also had a friend who worked at a casino in RI. He told me he would see people gamble away their mortgages and then be near suicidal. He had to quit because he couldn't take it anymore.
by (100 points)
After listening to this, I am reminded of the quote.

"Strange game, the only winning move is not to play "

I've never gambled but I sure won't be doing it now after this
by (100 points)
My first time in a casino, and first time trying a slot machine I put in 2 dollars and won 300 dollars. Left with my 300 dollars because I wanted to “win” the casino. Never gambled since, wanted to be 1 and O in that department
by (100 points)
This reminds me of when I went to Vegas one year. I worked at a gas station that sold lotto tickets so I knew gambling addiction but it was Vegas and I was like “why not?” I put a $5 in a slot machine and ended up winning $100. I honestly thought I was gonna get nothing and when I took the ticket to the counter, the person gave me a weird look and asked if I planned on going back to the floor. I said that I wasn’t and I just wanted to bc Vegas staple. She almost looked relieved and said ok and gave me my money. Makes me wonder if they thought I was going to be a problem.
by (100 points)
Very true. I was a card counter and for a good time was earning very good money from the casinos. Now im band in every Australian casino. At first it was good I had so much benifits from the casino but over time when they seen me winning more then loosing so they ended up barring me.
The biggest down fall is because they are private companies you can't sue them cause they have the rights to deny services to anyone that dont like.
Countries should make it illegal to gamble as its a scam.
by (100 points)
Something my dad said that’s always stuck with me was: “Casinos don’t build themselves”.
by (100 points)
This isn’t ground breaking news, unless you’ve lived under a rock for past decade or more. ‍♂️

The house always wins
by (100 points)
So much fun watching seniors spending their last dollars trying to win enough to eat for the rest of the month. Gambling is a scourge and a scam that almost every government around the world has their sticky little fingers in. I've watched my mother spend almost everything she has on lottery tickets and I can tell you how heartbreaking it is how addicted they are to it. Dying to win one dollar at a time.......
by (100 points)
"We only want losing players". % accurate!
by (100 points)
Anyone who has done arbitrage betting clearly understands what this guy is talking about. I have been banned from some of the largest betting companies in the world simply because I found a way to beat them. That alone proved that betting was never meant for the customer to make money.
by (100 points)
I remember I went to Vegas, I talked to locals. He said the best casinos to go win is the ones away from the strip. With that being said, he said it doesn't matter if you have a hot hand, if you notice that you won more than your share. Leave the table and stop gambling immediately. He said they will take it back and then sum, leave and don't stick around. If you want go to another casino, or wait a couple of days but don't bet what you won. I realized it once, a man came with 5k and he spent 4k before he won 8k. We all told him to go, to leave and enjoy Vegas without gambling. He said he was going to dou le his money, he spent his 8k and an extra 2k. Me and my wife won 300 and stepped away, we have never seen a man so defeated before.
by (100 points)
People need to understand that you should expect to lose when you go to a casino. Just be responsible by having a dedicated loss budget and stick to it.
by (100 points)
All gambling advertising only shows super happy winning customers, when in reality most people lose most of the time.  If you figure out how to make money gambling, often you'll be booted out and banned.  The guy is right that the industry only wants losers
The only winning move is not to play.
by (100 points)
I'm a professional Gambler. I travelled a lot, countries that allows gambling casinos. Casinos often named players as VIP or SMARTGUY/TROUBLE. I do not agree about scams from Casinos at least I never encounter any. If you don't believe, there is something called house advantages. But I don't find that scamming. People can only win Casinos by FLAT BET. Meaning bet whatever the amount each time. Do not decreased or increased. Just let the flow goes and stay control. Good Luck Everyone!
by (100 points)
"House always wins" isn't a saying for no reason.
by (100 points)
Spent months analysing sports betting to come up with a winning strategy. Once figured out, I started betting and made profit consistently. Then, out of the blue, I was getting blocked by the gambling companies. One by one.

For the time that I was able to execute my strategy I made practically nothing compared to the time I had invested in it.

If you think you have a winning strategy and you’re not getting blocked, then you don’t have a winning strategy, you’ve at best been lucky.
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