I did my computation and solve it in excel correct me if im wrong guys just like to compute if he would had been betting on cluster 17 and 32. for cluster 17 the numbers are (13-21) and for cluster 32 the numbers are (28-36).
So from the start of your video kyle, then he start to bet up to the end of video. The numbers that are hitting are 36,10,34,29,0,15,15,29,15,23,30,23,34,28,17,26,34,25,27,27,15,33,7,20,28,13,35,11,27,16,34,17,18,23,19,18,18,36,13,27, and the last is 17 then ross exit and your video ends.
From cluster 17 he would have been won 15 times from the start of your video kyle from the hitting number that I said. For cluster 32 he would have been won 13 times.
If he is betting for 5k each for that 17 and 32 clusters the total bet for each game is 90,000.
For cluster 17 he would have been won 2.7 million
For cluster 32 he would have been won 2.34 million
Total won is 5.040 million. For 10k bet each no. for 2 clusters he won 10.08 million. ✌