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by (120 points)
How does understanding slot machine volatility help me win more?

1 Answer

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by (540 points)
Understanding slot machine volatility can help you choose the right machine to play. Low to medium volatility machines offer more frequent but smaller wins, which can be better for short-term gains and bankroll building. High volatility machines offer the potential for larger wins but come with more risk and less frequent payouts. Choosing a machine that matches your risk tolerance can improve your chances of winning.
by (100 points)
Thanks Marc,  it's good to have these reminders. The more I hear them, the more I practice them.  Before I found your channel, I would wander aimlessly in a casino, not knowing anything about volatility, budgeting, etc. You and Dave have helped make going to the casino fun.
by (100 points)
On a trip to the UK I spent a few hours playing slots at a casino in London. The machines there were mostly the same ones (from same companies)  I was familiar with in USA except for one difference: instead of adding wins to my total cash, wins were tracked separately. As my cash bankroll decreased I could see the amount of wins adding up in a separate window. I could withdraw those wins to a TITO or transfer to my cash credits.

Thus, the machines performed the practice discussed in this video of keeping wins separate — but without the bother of cashing out and having to put more cash in. Slot manufacturers have this for their UK market, they could provide it in US!
by (100 points)
Always enjoy your videos Marc, the force is strong but thanks to your videos am becoming a better slot player kind of funny i came across this because my last visit to the casino i did just what you recommend. didn't exactly keep track of the total win lost amount but was there for a hour and a half and i think maybe down twenty thirty bucks and i played a lot of different games. staying away from high volatile games. i Actually walk the casino floor before playing which was recommend on one of your  vids. which turn out to be a good move came across a few new games or just miss them on my other visits, did well on most. Got to have a good plan going in and of course discipline. Thankyou for being a great teacher Marc.
by (100 points)
Good video. I’m gonna start practicing cashing out if I make more than my bet back and see how much I’m actually winning, so thank you!
Quick question and it may be a dumb question, but does the denomination of a machine affect the volatility. In simpler terms, is a $1 machine more volatile than a $.25 machine or does that not have any effect on volatility?
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