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by (120 points)
I've heard that maxing out the volume on a slot machine can increase your chances of winning. Is this true?

1 Answer

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by (300 points)
According to Zach from the slot group pools, maxing out the volume on a slot machine can give you about an 8% better chance of hitting the jackpot. This is a tip he shares and uses when playing slot machines, although it's not clear how this would technically influence the game's outcome.
by (100 points)
Love how you said that you cannot predict a win but.... if you turn the volume up, you have an 18% better chance of winning.  That is completely correct as the RNG is attached to the volume control and shhhh..the manufacturers and casino don't know this.
by (100 points)
Winning or loosing combination is by no means decided or influenced by volume level, it is not in any algorithms. It has same effect as rubbing the machine.
by (100 points)
I don't know about the volume increase getting u an 8% higher winning chance but......I do like your strategy to hit & run! .
by (100 points)
Nice tip about maxing out the volume: never heard that one before. Noticed that you choose the end machine next to the aisle, I've heard about that strategy. Overall, a very good, professional, video that held my interest for the entire time.
by (100 points)
one correction; volume level has ZERO influence on your chances of winning or losing. (I work in the casino industry, so trust me) :)
by (100 points)
My superstition is to always play end machines, volume all the way up and when someone comes and sits next to me I start cursing at the machine so they go away.
by (100 points)
You are still playing programmed computers.  You just don't know when that 87% or 92% whatever the average is going to pay.  A day, a month, a year you get the point.   P.s.  volume up or down does NOT effect payouts.
by (100 points)
Love this strategy. I have a major tendency to grow roots on one machine,  only to walk out down thousands. Cannot wait to give this a shot. I do not believe, for a second, that raising the volume does anything to increase the odds of winning a jackpot. Maybe I'm wrong and would welcome  any comments. Thank you for posting.

by (100 points)
You lost me on turning the volume up to increase the chance of a jackpot. The only thing it would increase your odds is being punched if you were playing next to me
by (100 points)
Explain how the volume helps?
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