0 votes
by (120 points)
How important is it to conduct weekly trading reviews, and do most traders struggle with this?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (340 points)
Conducting weekly trading reviews is crucial for maintaining consistency and avoiding the buildup of work. Many traders struggle with this because they let one week go by without a review, then another, and soon the task becomes overwhelming. By reviewing trades regularly, you can make incremental improvements without feeling burdened by a large backlog of work. It's about creating a routine that prevents inconsistency from creeping into your trading and other areas of life.
by (100 points)
We like to see how they really doing trading it than interview. Interview is good but much more helpful see how they really doing trading .
by (100 points)
Alex, great stuff; you do a great job extracting info that applies for all levels of traders. This particular interview had pearls for all-  beginners, intermediate, and advanced
by (100 points)
No specifics whatsoever?   Cmon host, ask some pointed questions.
by (100 points)
I'm new to trading...I see comments about people wanting to see PnLs to validate the guests track record, but honestly I think of the interviews as insight into each trader's journey which helps validate the steps I'm taking in my progression.  Good to know others have done or felt the way I do, and it's not just me.  Makes me feel like I'm on the right track.  Thank you!
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