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by (120 points)
What's the recommended way to manage my budget when using the baccarat strategy from the video?

1 Answer

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by (1.1k points)
The video suggests starting with a budget that you're comfortable with and making sure it aligns with the Martingale system's requirement to double up after a loss. For example, don't start with a $10 initial bet if your budget is only $100, as it could be unsafe. Always remember that gambling should be done responsibly and never bet money you can't afford to lose.
by (100 points)
Love this strategy it works great! And for those who are playing a smaller bankroll find a game that has low bet amounts so you don’t run out
by (100 points)
Tried yr tactics works great played for 2 hours 126 to 272. Learned alot playing baccarat the last couple of weeks trying all kinds of strategy and yours strategy definitely banked the most out off all the baccarat strategy I have played new to the baccarat game n upto this point thus baccarat strategy worked 100%. Just need to work on my bank roll as I don't have alot to start with. Thank you.
by (100 points)
Great advice about adjusting bets to fit budgets. Safety first, always.
by (100 points)
Hey man are you still using this Strategy? I worked in Casino industry for decade and played Baccarat a long time but I been trying this out and it's been keeping my Bankroll in the game nice Strategy
by (100 points)
You initial bet should be how much if you come with 1000$, 2000$ etc? According to your 1$ bet starting with around 120$ should be 10$ bet for ever 1000$ or higher ? I would feel comfortable to start first bet at $50  what should be my bankroll for this ? Also we keep doubling even after the 6 turners of PBPPBB?
by (100 points)
A brilliant system but unable to find the exact table you use. I note your comments about rigged baccarat so I want to start off on the right direction!
Your system makes sense anyway.
Many thanks
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