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by (120 points)
I've heard that casinos don't have clocks or windows to keep players gambling longer. Is this true, and if so, why do they do it?

1 Answer

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by (300 points)
Yes, it's true that casinos often don't have clocks or windows. This is a strategic design choice to make people lose track of time, encouraging them to gamble more. Without the natural light from windows or the time reference from clocks, players are less likely to realize how long they've been playing, which can lead to longer gambling sessions.
by (100 points)
I've been to a casino, to check it out, even though I don't gamble.  What I was most impressed with was how there was no clocks, no windows, and everything was open 24 hours, so there was no way to tell the time.

I'd love to stay at a non-gambling resort like that.  A "Timeless" Resort, Literally. A way to put yourself in a world where you don't keep track of time, and can go get food, or drinks, at any time you want.  Sleep when your tired, wake up when your done, forget about the sun, and the clocks!
by (100 points)
My parents took us to a casino as kids. They couldn't legally have "gambling" for kids so they worked around it by creating a huge area of basically carnival games with displays of amazing prizes. We were each given $5 & told to use it however we wanted to. It was to teach us about why gambling is a bad idea. It was a good lesson for me, as I quickly blew the money & got nothing. My brother found an arcade & spent the day happily blasting away. In the end he still had money left over & gave it to me for a final game. My parents were so frustrated that he hadn't blown the money & learned the lesson I learned! I think he was just smart & knew what was worth spending his money on! The no clocks really screwed us up. 2am felt like 2pm. Accidentally kept staying up half the night.
by (100 points)
I wonder if the no clocks trick is less effective now that everyone has a cell phone
by (100 points)
1:09 Perhaps I should have a clock and open the curtain when watching YouTube
by (100 points)
Did you know that in Australia, it's illegal to have a casino without clocks
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