Working through limiting beliefs- inspiring others to do the same, while creating a life I am in love with living.
I’m all about being a better version of the person I was yesterday-through either experimenting, exploring or self-care.
Besides, what better way can an anti-social; socially awkward introvert make unique connections? So, here I am. I hope you subscribe & interact with me on my journey of exploration and intellect. I share actionable steps and insights to overcome F.E.A.R and limiting beliefs.
I look forward to growing with U so SUBSCRIBE AND TURN ON UR NOTIFICATIONS! TIA
Want to learn massage techniques for pain relief & relaxation? I teach Recreational Massage Workshops. Sign up to be notified!
Teach Me to Touch™ https://mailchi.mp/e5f4e43f6035/teach-me-to-touch
I also create Journals to Capture UR Thoughts & Ideas for Reflection & Release: