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by (120 points)
What is the protocol for gambling companies when a customer shows signs of a gambling problem?

1 Answer

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by (380 points)
When a customer indicates they might have a gambling problem, staff are required to go through a series of questions with them. However, the process is often just a formality, with staff simply ticking off boxes without genuinely addressing the issue. The industry's focus is on revenue, not on effectively helping those with gambling addictions.
by (100 points)
Used to work for the biggest casino in Greece for 11 years.I’ve seen everything old people fighting with their kids for a chip, people having heart attacks after big losses I’ve seen people dying on the table after losses, women bagging for a quickie in exchange for some chips I’ve seen old people trying to run for a spot at their “lucky” slot machine falling and break hips and jaws I’ve seen thieves I’ve seen people betting 500€ per round on blackjack I’ve seen people selling their cars and watches at pawnshops just to play for a night.. I’ve seen a player that won almost 100.000€ the next day was there to play again just to lose everything……my personal opinion is just stay away you will NEVER win the house never loses
by (100 points)
I was a gambler, i lost loads of money over the past 10 years. I blamed anything and everything, but i kept on gambling, until one day i blamed myself and i managed to stop. it's been over 2 years now and im still free from gambling. I would advise getting help by joining gamstop and sense but first take ownership of the real reason for your addiction, yourself.
by (100 points)
Just lost a coworker recently. We all found out he was a gambling addict. He bet too much and lost it all. He was only 19. Had a rough upbringing and thought he could get rich in one shot. Sad for his family.
by (100 points)
From having personally worked at a casino, this is as real as it gets. It’s the WHOLESOME truth about the industry, it’s toxic as it is powerful, but not in the terms towards “doing good”
by (100 points)
Gambling addiction is no joke, especially if you won a significant amount. You’re always looking for that rush, the excitement. If you have no self control you will lose it all. I met people who were betting their rent money, literally betting the last dollars and $5 they have for one more bet. You have to be in complete control when you gamble, emotion wise and impulse. Go with an amount that if you lose it, it won’t hurt you, never go to the atm, it’s a setup. I always tell people if you don’t gamble don’t start, it’s a bad habit to break.
by (100 points)
My wedding ring used to be my great grandfathers. He killed himself because he racked up huge debts on the nags 70 years ago. My grandfather spent most of his life paying off what his dad owed.
Gambling makes me feel physically sick.
by (100 points)
I worked in the gambling industry as a software engineer for about 1,5y. It was basically a betting app where you could bet on all kinds of sports. Everything this man has said is true. Customers who risk their entire life savings and destroying themselves in the process are treated like thieves. It was the saddest and most depressing period of my career.
by (100 points)
As someone who's worked in a bookmakers for 21 years this year. Yes, he's not wrong.
by (100 points)
I worked in a bookies for 4 years . I ended up leaving pay was great ; tips and all that but they really do not care how much people lose and what they risk . Their responsible gambling programme is RUBBISH . I met people-  office workers 3 years later he’s begging on the street took out a mortgage on his house to fund his gambling addiction . I couldn’t be part of that industry any longer .
by (100 points)
As a gambling addict I knew this stuff but it hurts my heart bc the addiction can really ruin your life in 1 day ..pray for those dealing with this
by (100 points)
Was a slot technician for 6 months, being a student of human behavior I was stunned at the level of addiction and sickness. These people had a desperate disposition that was scary they would stand at the door for 30 mins before we opened they thought I controlled the games I was hated they told me It was my fault that the game stole their money. I knew it was a matter of time before someone starts shooting so I quit. It's a poor small and disgusting community yet the Casino made a fortune. Every day.
by (100 points)
I remember in 2018 being addicted to gambling severely .
I had just won 30,000 dollars.
I spent 20,000 and used the 10k to bet again and lost it in just 2 days .
I started borrowing friends money to bet and still lost an worst I had accumulated more debt now.
The worst came when I started selling my house items to bet .
I remember even one day I did use money that was meant for dinner on betting and lost and slept hungry .
It was very very severe for me that I would just cry all night.
Luckily with the help of my bro , I recovered from gambling and stopped completely.

I came to realize that the probability of making quick money in gambling is next to zero . Infact you are more likely to be hit by a car as compared to making a huge profit in gambling
by (100 points)
I am one of those gamblers with an elite status. Make sure I pay myself and bills 1st, use only my entertainment money to gamble. However I put myself at risk and learned the hard way as a young single before I got to this point. Even though I started out with a lack of interest in gambling, it's so easy to go a little crazy after a winning streak. Once you reach the highest tier and status you get a lot of free play, with enough luck don't need to spend your own money. All gamblers know that when you get greedy you lose, when you need the money you lose, when you look for a way out you lose or the odds are not usually in your favor. A few of us can run on luck or make big wins that usually we just break even and lose more than we win. My status is based on a lot of luck because I definitely didn't have 100,000 + to be playing with or throwing away. Once gambling becomes no fun, that's when a person should give up, the key is to not spend more than you can afford to lose. Easily at the top for life-ruining & dangerous addictions because it often remains hidden until a person is in financial ruin & debt & or their family is, I've met these people. I have experienced both sides of the spectrum, the lows and highs of what it means to be a gambler. A casino is similar to the Hotel California, ''you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave.'' When you make $4,000 in a couple of minutes and think that is nothing, you realize how the casino changes your perspective about the value of a dollar. You're winning goal goes up and up!
by (100 points)
Gambling addition is a genuine struggle that is hard to kick once you're hooked. It started out from $10.00 per game session to $10.00 per spin. From $100.00 per month to $1000.00 per month. Started selling personal belongings, borrowed cash from anyone I ever came across. solely to chase the false ambition that I'd hit something big enough someday in hopes to recover the loses I have made thus far. It is so hard to break away from the clutches surrounding it. Tried everything i ever known. Been told many times before this but I chose to be bold.  Right now I  don't need help or advices , I just need instant cure to rewire my godamn brain :(
by (100 points)
I have always detested gambling, l mean, why on earth will anyone want to indulge in such thing? My close friend has been addicted to all forms of gambling for 23 years. One of my biggest achievement is helping her get out of that pit. Her story is an inspiration to anyone who genuinely want to break the addiction.
by (100 points)
I was a gambler but after 10 years i got to the point that i was disgusted with my self and that feeling helped me to stop gambling i started loving to keep money and to  buy things for my self and people that i love.....though i know how rare it is to stop gambling solo with no help changed my life.i love to share the expirience
by (100 points)
My cousin was into gambling a few years ago and owned people money, but he's stopped doing it now I think but thank you for taking about this!
by (100 points)
I was a massage therapist at a casino. There were regulars who would be there before my shift started and still there after my shift ended all of the time
by (100 points)
My  father was a millionaire   ''  he was a gambling  addict   '' I  asked him once  why he did it  '' he said  if he lost  or won   it was the same '  in other words   a destructive  insanity  ''
by (100 points)
Worked at casino seen people drop 10k + then freak out about how they're going to eat
by (100 points)
im 32 been addicted for a couple of years now.. i had some great luck when i started it out. Im out of work and been poor my entire life so just starting out and actually have the feeling off wining money got out of hand pretty quick aint gonna lie.. The people working behind all this when you talk to customer service etc they are always total complete douchebags. they enjoy every moment you fail and they get money from you..
by (100 points)
My father literally sold everything until we became homeless and had to live with relatives.
by (100 points)
I worked at a retail bank for a while and could see transactions of any customer I wanted. I had one customer come in for just normal banking business. I generally gloss over the statements just to see if there's anything I can do to help. I saw her transactions as $-100 like 3-4 times per day at the casino and a $-5 atm fee to boot. And the account just dwindling down over time to nothing.
by (100 points)
I actually have withdrawal when I stop gambling. My legs and eyes be twitching. It's like im on drugs. I blame my mother for getting me into gambling at 18 years old. She neglected me and sibling to go gambling. She spend most of the money on gambling rather than buying us clothes for school. I wish I was smart enough to realize gambling was the enemy since child hood.
by (100 points)
I'm nearly 1 year free of my online slots gambling addiction. Everything this person says is correct. EVERYTHING is designed to suck you in. The worst thing you can do when thinking of getting into gambling, is win. You WILL eventually lose. I was lucky I didn't lose everything but I know others that have. It destroys your conscience and you genuinely have no control. I never believed something like that would take over me, but it so easily does. If you're thinking of trying it, DON'T. If you're in the terrible cycle of; win = happy, then lose it all, take out a loan, keep it a secret, have depression & anxiety, then please get out now and GET HELP. I did it and you can too. It's not worth it at all.
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